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  • Alloy Vol I: Discs KONTAKT-DECiBEL
    September 10th, 2021 ⚡

    Alloy Vol I Discs KONTAKT-DECiBEL

    Alloy Vol I: Discs KONTAKT

    Team DECiBEL | 24 Jul 2021 | 1.84GB

    These chromatic discs were intensively sampled, giving you the ability of achieving a true performance and sound. Beautiful. Warm. Pure. Alloy Vol. I is a tribute to the elements that shape the world around us. These elegantly crafted and masterfully tuned discs were sampled intensively and purposefully. Sampled with 4 articulations – wool mallet, rubber mallet, wooden stick, and muted. Each articulation offers 5 dynamic ranges with 5 round robins per dynamic allowing you a pure + realistic performance. Close mic’d in stereo, these instruments give you full flexibility with how you choose to process their natural sound.

    Viewed 1915 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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