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  • How to Design Speaker Crossovers TUTORiAL

    How to Design Speaker Crossovers

    P2P | 11 April 2021 | 3.98 GB

    .: Loudspeaker Engineering :.

    Learn how to design a passive crossover network. Five examples of crossovers (2-way, 3-way) in different enclosures. Design you own speaker crossover This course is the last piece in the loudspeaker design process. You will learn how to use the FRD and ZMA files (check Acoustics 201 course) to design 2-way and 3-way crossovers. These designs will be done in XSim which is a free application. Crossover design, while it does have some general guidelines, it’s unique for every crossover. For this reason, 5 different types of enclosures have been built for this course : two 2-way bass reflex bookshelf speakers, a 3-way bass reflex, a sealed MTM and a 3-way bass reflex floorstanding speaker with dual woofers. This way you will get a better understanding on how the process works. It takes not only knowledge, but also intuition and experience when designing a crossover.

    Viewed 5636 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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