Computer Music January 2014 Issue 199 Content DVD
Issue 199 Content DVD | 4.83 GB
Create your biggest sounds ever with our easy guides and videos – stack drums, synths, guitars, samples and more like a pro!
Viewed 12432 By Music Producers & DJ´s.
Create your biggest sounds ever with our easy guides and videos – stack drums, synths, guitars, samples and more like a pro!
Computer Music Specials is a bi-monthly magazine from the creators of Computer Music. Computer Music Specials help you get to grips with wide ranging music topics, including top production techniques, sampling, popular software, sequencers, and tips on how to make it in the music industry.
Banks of sampled drums are a great resource, but there’s a lot to be learned from good old-fashioned synthesis. With the incredible wealth of sampled drum libraries, loops, classicdrum machine emulations and even virtual drummers, it may seem like there’s little need to synthesise your own drum sounds from scratch. While we’re not suggesting for a minute that you give up those modern conveniences, there are loads of useful reasons to givedrum synthesis a try.
We take the confusion out of compression, explain expansion, and much more in our easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide! Learn how dynamics processors really work and how to get great results from them every time.
Computer Power User is a monthly print publication aimed at people who breathe, eat, and sleep technology. The kind of person who gets his kicks upgrading graphics cards and smashing benchmarks. The type of person who reinstalls Windows at 2 a.m. because his system keeps crashing while he’s encoding video.
Computer Music Specials is a bi-monthly magazine from the creators of Computer Music. Computer Music Specials help you get to grips with wide ranging music topics, including top production techniques, sampling, popular software, sequencers, and tips on how to make it in the music industry. Computer Music Specials surrounds you in musical knowledge and inspiration from all genres, whether you DJ or play guitar and no matter your level, you’ll find invaluable tips to help you create your best music yet.
Computer Power User is a monthly print publication aimed at people who breathe, eat, and sleep technology. The kind of person who gets his kicks upgrading graphics cards and smashing benchmarks. The type of person who reinstalls Windows at 2 a.m. because his system keeps crashing while he’s encoding video.