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  • Chord-O-Mat v3.1.6 For MAX 4 LiVE

    Chord-O-Mat v3.1.6 MAX 4 LiVE

    Team FLARE | 02 November 2020 | 657 KB

    Chord-O-Mat 3 is an advanced composition tool and chord generator if you work with ableton live. It helps you to create chord progressions, melodies or just give you inspiration if you stuck in creativity. modifiing chords by adding octaves, transposing, chord inversions and strumming is also possible. Chord-O-Mat 3 makes creating chord progressions fun and easy with single-note presses and a scale correction to stay always in the right key whatever you play. with the Instant Scale Device you can replace abletons native scale device and synchronise the scale settings for all your midi tracks in your ableton live project. you can improve your songs and arrangement with various sequences that react on your chords, because the Instant Scale device can follow the chord progession of chord-o-mat 3. Same scale setting for multiple devices. chord-o-mat 3, scale-o-mat 4and modular sequencer are enabled to link the scale settings. if you change the scale in one device all other devices will follow.

    Viewed 6184 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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