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  • Turkish Baglama WAV-FANTASTiC
    April 2nd, 2022 ⚡

    Turkish Baglama WAV-FANTASTiC

    Turkish Baglama WAV

    FANTASTiC | 04 March 2022 | 336 MB

    ‘Turkish Baglama’ by Earthone presents a collection of traditional Baglama melodies that have been professionally played by exceptional musicians to reflect its unique and characteristic sounds. ‘Baglama’ is the most commonly used string Folk instrument in Turkey. It takes different names according to the regions and according to its size. It has three main parts called Tekne, Gogus, and Sap. Tekne part is generally made from mulberry trees as well as from woods of juniper, beech, spruce, or walnut. The gogus part is made from spruce and the sap section from homespun or juniper. There are pieces called burgu (screw) at the end of the sap which is opposite to tekne part to which the strings are tied. These screws are used for tuning. There are pitches on the sap tied with fish line. This instrument is played with a Mizrap or Tezene made from cherry wood bark or plastic and fingers are used in some regions. The latter technique is called Selpe. If a single instrument were to represent Turkish folk music it would have to be the baglama cause it is used to express both joyful and sad emotions by the Turkish folk throughout history.

    Viewed 3431 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Volko Baglama v2.0 AU VST VSTi WiN MAC-R2R

    Volko Baglama v2.0 WiN MAC

    TEAM R2R | 29 Sept 2015 | MAC: 331.8 MB | WiN: 522.4 MB

    Your Turkish Folk Instrument

    Baglama or ‘saz’ is a folk instrument whose history goes back more than 1000 years, to a time when Turks first started settling in Anatolia. For centuries poets reflected their deepest emotions with baglama and it became an essential instrument for all kinds of traditional celebrations, including weddings. Meanwhile the instrument’s popularity spread from Asia to Anatolia, to Rumelia and even to some parts of Europe. It is still one of Anatolia’s dearest and most precious sounds.

    Viewed 7012 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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