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  • Akai MPC 3 Complete Workflow Guide TUTORiAL-MaGeSY

    Akai MPC 3 Complete Guide

    P2P | 05 November 2024 | 6.46 GB

    Whether you are a new, or an existing device user transitioning to the new MPC 3 Firmware, we will teach you the workflow on how to get started with your device, to become an expert user of MPC devices. You can pick up any Akai MPC device running on MPC 3 Firmware at the end of the course and make beats with an enhanced workflow end-to-end. This course is tailored towards the users of the following Akai MPC series; MPC One, MPC X, MPC Live, and MPC Key Series running on the new MPC 3 Firmware Update. Hence, for better retention, you must have at least one of the above-mentioned devices in your possession to practice along with the teachings in this course. The course project materials and sound kits used in the course will be attached to the resource section where you can download and practice along.

    Viewed 14041 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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