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  • Synthesis 202 Ableton Wavetable TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

    Synthesis 202: Ableton Wavetable

    FANTASTiC | 07 February 2022 | 888 MB

    This comprehensive course takes a deep dive into synthesis using Ableton’s Wavetable synthesizer. Wavetable is a powerful Wavetable subtractive synth that’s capable of a plethora of modern contemporary sounds. A basic understanding of subtractive synthesis parameters (such as oscillators, filters etc) is assumed, and this course goes straight into the nuts and bolts of sound design in Wavetable. If you are new to the subject of synthesis then I recommend checking out my ‘Synthesis 101’ series of courses, which cover all the basics.

    Viewed 1727 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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