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  • 12 String Guitar KONTAKT
    August 24th, 2024 ⚡

    12 String Guitar KONTAKT-MaGeSY

    12 String Guitar KONTAKT

    P2P | 24 August 2024 | 383 MB

    What do you get when you combine two acoustic guitars? A 12-string guitar, but not the kind that you might be familiar with. This experimental 12-string is a unique instrument designed to perform in a virtual domain due to its beautifully simple, yet limited design. All of the strings are tuned to the same note, resulting in a large, rich, ensemble-like sound that, while sonically pleasing, renders it very difficult to play in a live context. Through sampling, all of the lovely tones could be captured and the performance limitations transcended, opening up a whole new world of creative possibilities.

    Viewed 7493 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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