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✅ TuneBlade v1.6.3 WiN-BEAN

October 30th, 2016 ⚡
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    TuneBlade v1.6.3 WiN

    TEAM BEAN | 30 Oct 2016 | 4,69 MB

    TuneBlade is a simple tray utility that lets you stream system-wide audio to AirPort Express, Apple TV, AirPlay enabled speakers and HiFi receivers, and to AirPlay audio receiving applications such as ShairPort and XBMC.

    Stream system-wide audio
    Seamless and effortless. Select AirPlay speakers and play from any application.

    Minimal lag time
    By activating real time streaming, experience minimal delay between your PC and your AirPlay speakers

    Uncompressed CD Quality Streaming
    Enjoy premium quality audio.

    Stream to multiple receivers simultaneously
    Enjoy multi-room audio in perfect sync.

    Buffer for reliable playback
    By activating buffered streaming, experience smooth playback in congested wireless networks.

    Synchronized audio with video
    Enjoy watching a video on VLC media player synchronized with AirPlay audio.

    Changuelog: http://redi.se/3f9q
    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/38y6
    TuneBlade v1.6.3 WiN-BEAN



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