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    Studio One Pro v2.6.5 MAC OSX

    msj | 10.12 2014 | 510 MB

    P2P group has released the updated version of “Studio One Pro” for MacOSX. It is a completely modern environment for music creation, sharing, and collaboration. It’s Internet-savvy and provides a complete solution, from riff to release. Description: Studio One ® is a modern, cross-platform DAW, which is able to run in both 32-bit and 64-bit. Studio One ® has an intuitive interface and easy system of drag-and-drop, which allows you to work faster and more creatively, so making music is more fun. Tasks that take a few steps in most DAW, can be made in one or two quick, easy steps. Professional users and respected commentators agree: 64-bit algorithm Studio One, provides excellent sound.


    Studio One 2.6.5 Release Notes
    Studio One 2.6.5 has the following new features and enhancements:
    – SoundCloud client to support new API

    Studio One 2.6.5 fixes the following issues:
    – [OSX] Save As dialog path is the folder again




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