SiGViEW v3.1.1 WiN
TEAM BEAN | 23 April 2018 | 17.31 MB
SIGVIEW is real-time and offline signal analysis software package with wide range of powerful signal analysis tools, statistics functions and a comprehensive visualization system. SIGVIEW is highly customizable and flexible but does not require any programming know-how.
- Support for wide range of data acquisition devices, from common sound cards to professional DAQ devices. Various options for triggering, decimation and file-logging are included. The following device types are supported:
- NIDAQmx compatible DAQ devices from National Instruments® (voltage input, IEPE velocity/force/acceleration)
- Measurement Computing® DAQ devices (12/16/24-bit voltage input)
- LabJack® U3 and U6 USB DAQ devices (voltage input)
- Microsoft Windows® compatible sound cards (DirectSound and ASIO driver models are supported)
- NIDAQmx compatible DAQ devices from National Instruments® (voltage input, IEPE velocity/force/acceleration)
- Real time data display, signal analysis and control. You can work with live signals and observe results immediately.
- Import and export of signal files in numerous formats: WAV, MP3, ASCII, WMA, AU, AIFF, SND, 8/16/32-bit binary files, EDF…
- Optimized FFT algorithm with fine parameter tuning and various pre and postprocessing options: windowing, zero-padding, power spectrum and PSD, automatic averaging, test for spectral peaks integrity,…
- Spectrogram and Time-FFT functions with powerful graphical display solutions
- Dual channel (cross-spectral) analysis (cross spectrum, coherence, cross correlation,…)
- Signal filtering (Bandstop, Bandpass, Lowpass, Highpass)
- Real-time arithmetics on signals (subtract, multiply, add, scale, normalize…)
- Various statistics functions: peak hold, averaging, smoothing, removing linear trend, probability distribution… Analog-style instruments for real-time display of important signal parameters
- Custom filter curves can be freely defined and applied directly to time-domain signal or to the calculated spectrum
- Advanced signal display and handling options: unlimited overlays, unlimited number of markers and annotations for each signal, parallel signal display (EEG style), cut/copy/paste signal parts, unlimited zoom levels, VCR-style commands for audio playing,…
- Signal generator including sine signal, white and pink noise, step signal, sweep signal,…
- Graphical block diagram environment improves productivity when working with complex analysis systems
- Custom tools and workspaces can be created and later reused or exchanged with other SIGVIEW users
- Various command-line options for automation and remote control from external applications or from simple batch files
- No artificial or license-based limitations: million points FFTs can easily be calculated; dozens of signals can be combined and analyzed at the same time.
- Field-proven by thousands of satisfied users. See our Reference list for some examples.
SiGViEW v3.1.1 WiN-BEAN Post:
- Support for wide range of data acquisition devices, from common sound cards to professional DAQ devices. Various options for triggering, decimation and file-logging are included. The following device types are supported: