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    M4L Ring Modulator For MAX For LiVE

    Joshua Casper | + Video Tutorial | 81.9 MB

    Joshua Casper has released Ring Modulator, a completely free (a Like on Facebook is required) ring modulator effect which was developed with Max for Live.

    In this max for live video tutorial we will make a ring modulator (ring mod) audio effect device. It is surprisingly simple to be honest. That is because the max for live creators knew what they were doing.

    Ring Modulator is available for free download via Joshua Casper’s website (1.2 MB download size, contains 1 effect in AMXD format for Ableton Live).

    The effect itself is a simple ring filter, without any additional features and bloat. The interesting thing is that Joshua Casper has released a tutorial video which shows how to create this device using Max for Live. It should be a great starting point for anyone looking to design their own devices for Ableton Live.

    You can get Max for Live in the Suite edition of Ableton Live 9. You can test the free trial version of Ableton Live (which also includes Max for Live!) for 30 days.

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