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✅ Just Karaoke v2.0 WiN-AMPED

September 11th, 2014 ⚡
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    Just Karaoke v2.0 WiN

    TEAM AMPED | 2014-09-11 | 13.49 MB

    JustKaraokeTM 2.0 is a complete digital performance solution for the serious sing-along host. From the creator of the MP3+G format, everything you need and nothing you don’t, to run a smooth, sensational karaoke show. Combine with TriceraSoft’s download or streaming services to provide the hottest content for your singers. A straight forward no non-sense karaoke control solution. Go digital easily and in confidence with this inexpensive yet professional and simple to use solution. Announce the singer, play the song, clap, and proceed through the rotation. Need to recall the singer from last week? No Problem! Bring up the history and drop in a song, it even remembers the key and multiplex option you used for that singer. Need songs? Stream over 10,000+ songs with a subscription or download and play offline over 70,000+ karaoke songs**.

    INFO: http://redi.se/gy3
    Just Karaoke v2.0 WiN-AMPED



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