C-Normalizer v.1.3.1 for ProMedia Carbon Windows
C0PYL3FT3R | 10.07.2014 | 5.19 MB
Plug-in for Rhozet Carbon Coder
Harmonic’s Rhozet® Carbon Coder Loudness Normalizer and True Peak Limiter Using the loudness normalization doesn’t mean that the loudness will be constant during the whole program, but in this way, the average loudness will be the same for all the programs. So, you can change your loudness level according to your artistic needs, using (in most cases) a greater dynamic range than with the classic peak normalization. That means you don’t have to worry about the listener being disturbed, because the average loudness of the whole program will be equal with the target value that you choose. This is useful in all the stages of the broadcasting: production, distribution and transmission.
The measurements can be done for up to 32 channels. C-Normalizer is fully compliant with loudness measurement standards : ITU-R BS.1770-3 (with the relative gate of -10 LU) and EBU R-128. The normalization is done according to the desired value of Program Loudness or Max Short Term Loudness. In most cases, in order to maintain the original program dynamics, the normalization consist in a simply linear gain modification. Besides, C-Normalizer is capable of creating two log files of the program material, for evaluation and quality control of the descriptors (Program Loudness, Max. Short Term Loudness, Max. Momentary Loudness, Loudness Range and Max. True Peak) with their time code position for both source and target. It also contains a True Peak Limiter, which assures you that when you make the normalization of the audio program, the value of Max True Peak doesn’t exceed the desired value.
Plugin Features
- Audio Loudness and True Peak Normalization
- Channel Formats: up to 32 audio channels available for processing
- Fully compliance with Loudness standards: BS-1770(rev.3) and EBU R128 specifications
- Complete loudness measurements using universal descriptors: Program Loudness, Max. Short Term Loudness, Max. Momentary Loudness, Loudness Range and Max. True Peak
- Normalization Parameter: Program Loudness or Maximum Short Term Loudness
- In order to maintain the original program dynamics, the normalization resumes when is possible, at a linear gain modification
- Fast brick wall True Peak Limiting with variable threshold and release time, that acts only when necessary
- Logging of : Program Loudness, Max. Short Term Loudness, Max. Momentary Loudness, Loudness Range and Max. True Peak with their time code position for both source and target
Channels Format:
- Up to 32 audio channels available for processing
- Channels are organized in 4 groups, with 8 channels per group
- The possibility to select the number of audio groups you want to process
- Configurable channel layout for each audio group
- Channels layouts (1, 2, 2+2, 2+2+2, 2+2+2+2, 5.1, 5.1+2, 2+5.1)
- Channels which are not covered in groups will be passed unprocessed
- The channels order is important, so for custom channel routings, please use Carbon Coder channels mixer
Rhozet Carbon Coder (now ProMedia Carbon)
> http://www.harmonicinc.com/product/promedia-carbon
INFO: http://redi.se/fbz
C-Normalizer v.1.3.1 Plugin for ProMedia Carbon Windows
https://beelink.pro/15980/C-Normalizer-v.1.3.1-for-ProMedia-Carbon-Windows.htmlRelated Post: