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✅ AnthemScore v2.3.1 x64 WiN

December 22nd, 2024 ⚡
  • AnthemScore v2.3.1 x64 WiN

    AnthemScore v2.3.1 x64 WiN

    P2P | 21 June 2017 | DESKTOP:44.8 MB | PORTABLE: 22.4MB

    AnthemScore is a program designed to automatically create sheet music from audio (MP3, WAV, etc.) as accurately as possible. It uses a convolutional neural network trained on 2 million data samples. The output is a MusicXML file you can view and edit with any standard music notation software. If you choose to install MuseScore, a popular free notation program, sheet music will open automatically when processing is finished.

    There are several features for analyzing music. You can view a frequency/time plot, slow the tempo, play on a virtual keyboard, and save sheet music in a different key or in only the treble clef or bass clef. Currently, no instrument information is extracted, so notes from all instruments get combined into one part. It can take several minutes to process one song.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://bit.ly/2j0BrRA
    AnthemScore v2.3.1 x64 WiN
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