✅ Ambify v1.5 MAC OSX-CORE

July 17th, 2021 ⚡
  • Ambify v1.5 MAC OSX-CORE

    Ambify v1.5 MAC

    TEAM CORE | 26.12.2015 | 9.49 MB

    Ambify is the realtime music visualizer powered by Philips Hue.

    Capture System Audio
    Unlike the original app, Ambify for Mac is not an audio player but a powerful universal audio processor instead. When used in System Capture mode, Ambify can capture audio from any App on your Mac!

    Philips Hue
    Ambify makes use of Philips Hue connected bulbs. Easily find, connect, and setup your Hue bulbs in no time! Own some Living Colors lamps? Use them as well, no problem.

    Realtime Light FX
    Ambify makes use of some nifty algorithms to visualize music in more…

    What’s New:
    Added support for color themes. Added master volume control. Added minimum brightness option to FX settings. Fixed issue with AirPlay output

    Intel, 64-bit processor OS X 10.8 or later Philips Hue setup

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/1P8v
    Ambify v1.5 MAC OSX-CORE


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