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    YouRei HP LP Filters For Nebula

    Team MAGNETRiXX | 23 February 2014 | 381 MB

    Sampled from a unique filter unit that was largely aimed at forensic audio work, but has found many uses. It’s notch/peak filters can be swept around for a unique phaser-like effect, and it’s HP/LP filters can be used for general audio filtering purposes. It was made available in two versions, and this is the more desirable/sought-after ‘T’ model featuring an output transformer which adds a little extra color to the sound. The notch/peak filters will be sampled for a future release. This first release includes 3 differently sampled configurations of the unit’s high/low pass filters.

    Here is what is in this release:
    All 3 configurations were sampled with dynamics included in the actual filter program. You don’t need to load a ‘bypass’ or ‘amp’ program along with these to get the dynamic behavior, it’s right there with the filter. As far as I know this still isn’t being done by anyone else. It takes a lot more work and makes these things a lot more complicated to make, and they also take a little more resources (CPU) than usual. This is because they are made up of many more samples than a typical Nebula program of any type.

    There is one high-pass only program. The higher input levels sampled were sent into the unit HOT to get some grit, but plenty of range was sampled including lower levels which produce a very clean output. The user can quickly and easily use the Nebula ‘trim’ control to decide exactly how hot of a signal to send into the program, and how strong any harmonics coming out will be. The unit’s input impedance was switched to ’10K ohms’, which generates more harmonics. The input level sensitivity was set to ’0db’ which triggers the harmonics at lower levels. This was sampled as a stereo effect, but since I don’t have two of these units I just made a 2nd sampling pass for the other side. The 2nd pass was recorded 0.5db quieter but this was then compensated for afterwards. This was to try to produce slightly different results and provide subtle stereo separation.

    One low-pass. Sampled the same way as the HP-only effect.
    One combo program with both the HP and LP together. This one was sampled with dynamics also, but not quite as much range as the other two programs, and the whole range was below saturation level. This one was sampled with the unit’s input sensitivity set to ‘+20db’ and the input impedance to ’600 ohms’, both producing cleaner output. Sampled in ‘mono’ just because of how much more time this one took to make.

    Each of those 3 programs are presented with different kernel amounts. The HP-only and LP-only filters come with 1k, 5k, and 10k options. The combo program comes with 1k and 6k.
    YouRei HP LP Filters For Nebula



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