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✅ World of Ambient DUNE 3

January 5th, 2022 ⚡
  • World of Ambient DUNE 3

    World of Ambient DUNE 3

    P2P | 07 December 2021 | 1 MB

    World of Ambient is our new, huge soundset for DUNE 3! The set with a total of 136 carefully crafted, expressive patches. World of Ambient is filled with fantastic, unique pads, downbeats, arpeggios, chords, sequences, key and fx sounds, an ideal fit for many music genres like ambient, film, leftfield, chillout, lounge and any kind electronic downtempo music. All patches support the modulation wheel, and are provided both in DUNE 3 format, as well as in NKS format for Maschine/Komplete Kontrol integration.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/b7uQk
    World of Ambient DUNE 3
    🡳 Download 🡳


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