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    Titan V2 Piano 192 khz For Nebula

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 16 April 2014 | 337 MB

    A genuine original vintage Lustraphone version of this extraordinary module, used in Europe since the 70s. This specific channel is loved not only for the way it distorts but for the way the low end has a full woody sound. Think of many of the most memorable coloured 70s band albums and this console gets a mention. Unique, highly coloured and highly desirable, this library gives you a flavour of many ways to treat a kick through it. I also sampled some presets with the EW kick pad. It augments the CUSTOM TITAN V2 Library giving you even more options for your piano tracks. Add a tape emu on the master bus and make your tracks sound like the 70s with ease. A note about the G-drive on this library – finding the sweet spot may be tricky depending on your track level. If you hear a pumping action you may have too reduce the input – if you go beyond that you might reach a nice distortion so experiment.

    Titan V2 Piano 192 khz For Nebula


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