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    Singer-Songwriter EZkeys MiDi WiN

    P2P | 09.03.2018 | 4.01 MB


    Piano playing variations inspired by some of the most iconic singer-songwriters of the past few decades. For decades now, the piano has been a natural vehicle to help songwriters voice their craft. There’s just something about its expressive range that speaks on a fundamental level – it’s the perfect instrument to set a scene. In the right context, a lone piano piece can say a thousand words. Add your voice to it, and you can move mountains. This collection of EZkeys MIDI picks up on a vast inspiration source of piano-based singer-songwriter material to give you a broad palette of cross-genre ideas to craft your own songs from. In essence, that’s what the singer-songwriter genre is all about – finding your own voice and carving out a niche that’s uniquely you. And even though you might not be a piano player, the tools in EZkeys will help you slice, dice, rearrange, tweak and ultimately make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the song you’re producing is yours alone and no one else’s.

    This is the perfect collection for anyone looking to write fundamental, sophisticated and smart pop and rock songs that can stand the test of time. Start writing!

    • Piano MIDI inspired by the singer-songwriter genre
    • Performed by professional session player
    • 4/4 in straight feel with tempos ranging from 66 BPM to 105 BPM
    • Intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus and bridge sections

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/AZBF
    Singer-Songwriter EZkeys MiDi WiN


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