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    Shaper EDM Vol.1 For ACCESS ViRUS-Ti

    DiSCOVER | March 03 2016 | 7 MB

    Shaper EDM Vol 1″ Featuring 128 Powerful EDM Patches for your Access Virus TI, TI2, or TI Snow synthesizer. Soundset contains 128 sounds targeting different directions in music. (Trance, House, etc). It includes a large number of Leads, Plucks, Pads and Basses. Most of the sounds responsive on the modulation wheel.

    Requirements: Access Virus TI, TI2 or TI Snow.
    • Soundset created on Virus TI OS 5.03.00.
    • Compatible With Virus TI & TI2.
    • Not compatible with Virus A, B, C or PowerCore.
    • All sounds are in the .mid format. (One FullBank, 128 Patches)

    ……:::::: DEMO/PREViEW ::::::……

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    Shaper EDM Vol.1 For ACCESS ViRUS-Ti-DiSCOVER


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