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    The Hydra Collection For Synapse Audio Hydra

    Prosounds – The Hydra Collection For Synapse Audio Hydra | 54KB

    Hydra is a multi-model synthesizer, designed for use in all genres of electronic music.
    The oscillator routing can be switched between three radically different models, which is almost like having three different synthesizers in one – each model has it’s own distinct character and sonic capabilities.

    The Hydra Collection, which includes three banks of high quality presets for Synapse Audio’s Hydra.
    Each bank contains 128 high quality presets (totalling 384 presets) that make great use of Hydra’s flexible routing and programming features and cover a wide range of genres.
    The Hydra Collection is a must for those that want to expand on this excellent software synth with a large arsenal of new and inspiring sounds.

    Prosounds – The Hydra Collection For Synapse Audio Hydra


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