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    MIA Midi Input Assistant

    P2P | 05.01.2019 | ALP, MXF | 4.94 MB

    MAX For LiVE

    A musical data monitor for the modern musician.

    A Musical Monitor for Modern Musicians – MIDI Input Assistant (MIA) is a fully-featured MIDI Monitor and Information Center with a generously effective selection of real-time data displays. Featuring a Piano Keyboard, Guitar Fretboard, Virtual Ableton Push and Score Notation displays, MIA also includes interactive Circle of Fifths and Hertz conversion charts. This distinct musical utility employs a prominent Heads-Up-Display, which while highlighting real-time incoming musical data, can also correct your playing to a chosen root, key, and/or modal scale.

    What it is:
    A Max For Live patch, fully-featured MIDI monitor and information center incorporating a robust selection of utilities.

    How we use it:
    Use In Key mode to send MIDI data only within a chosen scale.

    Why it’s cool:
    A centralized musical information center, allowing translation of note data between several instruments, including the ability to automatically correct your playing pitch-wise.
    Reverb Exclusive.

    Key Features:
    – Max For Live Patch *Requires Max For Live*
    – Monitor, convert, and provide MIDI input for musical projects
    – Translate note data between Piano Keyboard, Guitar Fretboard, Virtual Ableton Push Display, Score Notation, Circle of Fifths, MIDI to Hertz, MIDI CC, Program Change, Aftertouch, and a BPM Calculator
    – In Key mode can send MIDI data within a specified key and display only available notes in that scale
    – Piano Keyboard, Guitar Fretboard, and Push Grid with expanded MIDI view display that act as virtual MIDI controllers
    – The Chord Recognition feature detects the notes you are playing and generates a display of possible chord combinations
    – Similar to tablature, both Piano Keyboard and Guitar Fretboard have a graphic note display, highlighting all the notes on the instruments
    – Each string on the Guitar Fretboard can be customized to a specified tuning
    – Interface features modular windows independently resizable
    – Selectable graphical interface color-way preference
    – Convenient compatiblity with any MIDI controller

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/89jJ
    MIA Midi Input Assistant ALP MAX For LiVE


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