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    Massive Bass Destroyer Vol.1

    DiSCOVER | August/16th/2017 | 9.57 MB

    Massive Bass Destroyer Volume 1 is a pack with presets for Massive. This pack is aimed at producers in the heavier electronic music genres such as Glitchhop, Dubstep, Drum & Bass and many others. All these presets are setup with macro controls for easy use and automation and because of that you can get hundreds of sounds from just one preset alone. This is what makes this pack so goddamn powerful. Now even when you are not a fan of presets, these can and will help you to become better at sound design. You can reverse engineer the presets and change settings to make things different, reverse engineering is very helpful to find out how a patch was created and why it sounds the way it does.

    ……:::::: Specifications ::::::……
    Format: Synthesizer VSTi Presets
    • 80 x Presets For (Massive)
    • 51 x Basses Sounds
    • 16 x Leads Sounds
    • 05 x Pads Sounds
    • 08 x Risers Sounds
    • PC & Mac Compatible
    Requirements: Massive v1.5.1+ or higher.

    ……:::::: DEMO/PREViEW ::::::……

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    Massive Bass Destroyer Vol.1 For MASSiVE-DiSCOVER


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