LFT 21 Sylenth1
Team DECiBEL | 13 May 2020 | 233 KB
Nostalgic set of 128 handcrafted 80s inspired synth presets for Sylenth1, designed with usability in mind and sounds that sit well in a mix. With over 12 years of age, Sylenth1 has proved itself as an immortal synth classic, praised by producers worldwide, still competitive in sound and still ranked high on todays best-of lists, including the MusicRadar list over the “25 Best VST Synths in the World”.
LFT 21 requires Sylenth1 v3.0.5 or later to load, presets will not load or work in earlier versions of Sylenth1.
INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/M3oU
LFT 21 for Sylenth1-DECiBEL
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