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    HYBRiD 3 Preset Browser Pack for KOMPLETE KONTROL

    P2P | 04.12.2016 | 8.10 MB

    Welcome to the Hybrid 3 Preset Browser Pack for the Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol software. This browser pack contains 1200 factory presets for Hybrid 3 that can be loaded and browsed directly using the Komplete Kontrol software. All presets have been “wrapped” into .nkfs files which contains the preset information, tagging information and mapped controls. Additionally, a Komplete Kontrol database file and plug-in artwork is also included to create entries in your User Library. All presets are tagged in the same way as within Hybrid 3 and the Hybrid 2 library is also included as a bonus though all Hybrid 2 presets are available within Hybrid 3.

    Komplete Kontrol Software v1.5+
    Maschine Software 2.4 (works but unable to supported)
    – Supports VST Only (no AU Support)
    – Works on PC/MAC
    – Supports 32/64 Bit
    Hybrid 3

    NOTE: You must own Hybrid 3 for this preset pack to work. These are only the factory presets found in Hybrid 3. These presets were created using Komplete Kontrol software 1.5 but should work fine with the Maschine Software as reported by users. I cannot offer support on Maschine as I do not own it.

    HYBRiD 3 Preset Browser Pack for KOMPLETE KONTROL


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