✅ Future Sounds for Razor

February 25th, 2014 ⚡
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    Future Sounds for Razor

    Team MAGNETRiXX | 25 February 2014 | 8.94 MB

    Future Sounds for Razor Vol. 1 is the first in a series that brings you top shelf retro-future, sci-fi and cutting edge lead and FX sounds for Razor. Each patch is professionally programmed for maximum impact, flexibility and usability by OhmLab. This preset collection consists of 14 lead synths and 14 FX synths that will inspire you and your fans alike. Future Sounds for Razor Vol. 1 pushes the boundaries of what you can do with Razor, and these sounds are not like any others you will find elsewhere. Truly unique and original synths, for your original productions. OhmLab has embraced the forward thinking design of this additive synth and programmed 28 of the finest lead and FX sounds with some serious attention to detail.

    The demo audio features some, but not all, of the presets in the collection and there is no processing applied to any of the sounds–no EQ, compression, etc.

    So what you hear is what you get!
    INFO: http://redi.se/dj6
    Future Sounds for Razor


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