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    Dust Road: Vintage MASSiVE MiDi

    P2P | xx.xx.2014 | 260 KB

    ‘Dust Road: Vintage Massive Presets’ transform NI Massive from a cold, hard beast into a fuzzy, warm, analogue monster. Fed up with the typically fixed and predictable sound of digital audio, experimented with Massive’s extensive variety of wavetables and dizzyingly complex modulation capabilities to conjure up this set of 50 .nmsv presets and 50 accompanying MIDI loops. Oscillators, filters, effects and even modulators have been spun out of kilter to produce a pack of only saturated, lush, unstable and truly characterful presets. This collection of bass, chord, pad, pluck, lead and classic synth sounds bend pitches, blend waveforms, blur filters and blitz standard routings, all to gorgeous effect. Did you think soft synths were only capable of producing stale, mechanical sounds? Well, think again!

    SoundCloud Preview

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/K2Nk
    Dust Road: Vintage MASSiVE MiDi


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