Big Room MIDI Elements 1
TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 03 October 2013 | 18 MB
Your heart is going to beat itself out of your chest, breaking ribs’n’all with the punch that this MIDI Construction Template for Ableton Live lands on your auditory senses and your imagination. Taking the emotional and melodic nature of Progressive House and thrashing it with an infectious energy of Electro/Tech House, Joe Zay has created a perfect and masterful demonstration of a Big Room House arrangement structure and that can now become yours with which to run wild.
With massively impressive Ibiza-style climbs and builds, you really hit the floor running right from the start with synapse snapping beats and percussion plus some insidious sporadic trance synth snaps. As this progresses, we get into the world of altered-reality with a truly unique bass that defies gravity and form that stunningly evolves through another sublime long build primed with inhuman energy to throw open the gates of this BIG, Big House. You can actually feel the crowd bouncing with the occasional flicks of sweat with this one; a viscerally real, superb slice of Big House with an Electro tribalism of a deadly simple but epically effective rhythms and chord progressions, all commanded by the Sergeant Major of this template; the kick.
This template is a real head-turner and what’s even better; all the main elements such as drums, basslines and lead synth tracks are set up as MIDI and are not bounced down to audio. The result is that you can go right into each track and change any part of the structure or sound. Each MIDI track can be edited, rearranged, pitched to any key, slowed-down, sped-up, in fact, you can change it in any way you want to – there are no rules and no limitations.
Exploiting the staggering power of Abelton Live’s built-in Instruments and Effects, you can easily control each sound as it is set up in Ableton’s Simpler and mapped to one of Joe Zay’s unique Macros. This also allows you to easily automate elements such as filters, sample start, loop length, bend, EQ and distortion…in no time, you will be transforming the template into your own song and creating and sculpting your own equally unique sounds.
Each track within the Ableton Arrangement View has also been duplicated as Clips in the Session View. From the Session View you can launch each Clip and play around with different arrangement ideas as well as add your own audio and MIDI clips. Each Clip is colour coded and clearly marked, making it easy to quickly navigate to the different parts of the template ‘on the fly’. Plus, making great use of Ableton Live’s Macro mapping, any automation applied to a track in the Arrangement View is replicated in its associated track in the Session View. So, when you launch the Clip in Session View it will trigger the automation data for that track.
Each track is assigned to one of three groups. The Beats group contains all the kicks, hats and percussion tracks. The Main group contains all the main sounds such as the bassline and synth lead tracks and the FX groups contains all the effects elements such as sweeps, booms and rises. Each track and each group has its own EQ and Compression and is then fed through to the main mastering channel.
The mastering channel contains a combination of EQ, Distortion, Saturation, Compression and Limiting. Each element within the Mastering channel has a selection of settings uniquely, crafted by Joe Zay and can easily be changed to sculpt your own Mastering channel.
Unlocking your creative genius has never been so easy with the help of MIDI Construction Templates. With the lock and load simplicity of each template, plus the highest of music production standards, you will quickly be discovering your new musical horizons.
Under The Hood:
- 10 Drum and Percussion Tracks
- 7 Bass Tracks
- 10 Synth Lead, Stab and Chord Tracks
- 12 Effects Tracks
- Separate Sidechain Kick Track
- Each track is assigned to one of three groups – Beats, Main and FX
Tech Specs & Info:
- Ableton Live 8.2 MIDI Construction Template
- Compatible with Ableton Live 9
- 39 Track Complextro Arrangement
- 128 BPM
- This templates does not require any third party software
Big Room MIDI Elements 1 Ableton Live Pack
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Ableton, Ableton Live, ALP, Big, Big Room, ClickSound, Elements, Joe Zay, Live, MIDI, MiDi Elements, Pack, RoomRelated Post: