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    Analog Four Soundpack for ELEKTRON

    P2P | Nov 19 2016 | 87 KB

    Having an impeccable taste in music, art and cinema is a rare trait in this Age of the Omnivore. Matia Simovich (from the super-classy San Fransisco outfit Inhalt) is one of the few who does. Rather than keep the ideas, sounds and emotions found in the films of Cronenberg or Carpenter, the songs of John Foxx, Human League or Alphaville, or the most memorable of Commodore 64 games locked away in the recesses of his own imagination, he has chosen to churn them through his cortical processing plant and refine them into exactly 128 highly playable, tweakable sounds for the Analog Keys/Four.

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    Analog Four Soundpack for ELEKTRON


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