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✅ Action! EZX v1.0.1 WiN MAC

September 14th, 2021 ⚡
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    Action! EZX v1.0.1 WiN MAC

    P2P | 25.11.2019 | 499.55 MB

    …::: EZX Sound Expansion :::…

    The Action EZX presents a fusion of orchestral percussion, sound effects, custom foley and classic drum machine sounds, designed for use in any creative context where beat, groove and tone are allowed to transcend the traditional confines. In addition to classic orchestral instruments like timpani, tamtam and timbale, it also captures one-of-a-kind foley, risers, claps, snaps, drops and layered textures of sound never before heard – all intuitively blended, mixed, matched and saturated with various effects in creative hybrid kits. All in all, in excess of 450 individual percussive sounds are presented and used in the more than 21 mix-ready kit configurations included. This is the perfect percussive montage for ambient soundscapes, creative sound design and any cutting-edge music production – an open landscape of sound, putting you in the director’s chair with a seemingly endless sonic depth of field, enabling you to create literally any percussive motif you can imagine. Welcome to let loose your creative self in a seamless dissolve between fiction and reality, classic and modern, organic and electronic.

    – Orchestral and traditional percussion
    – Acoustic drums and classic drum machine sounds
    – Percussive foley sampled from a rich variety of elements
    – Ideal for soundtracks and creative sound design
    – More than 450 individual instruments/sounds in total
    – 21 mix-ready presets with corresponding MIDI grooves

    Works with EZdrummer v2.1.7 or Superior Drummer v3.1.2 and higher!

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/neag
    Action! EZX v1.0.1 WiN MAC


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