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  • VirSyn Matrix v2.1.0 WiN

    Team: ASSiGN | 10 JANUARY 2012 | 10.59 MB

    Matrix – The Voice Coder is “The Vocoder for the 21st century”.

    The Vocoder was invented by Homer Dudley in the mid-30’s of the last century. Dudley worked at Bell Laboratories, and this is where the first Vocoder took shape. The basic function of a Vocoder is characterized by an analysis of the input signal, usually speech but other type of inputs can also be very interesting. In a special filter bank, a spectral analysis is performed and signals are developed which follows the amount of spectral energy in each channel. Another part of the analyzer tests if there are unvoiced or voiced sounds at any particular time and extracts the pitch of the voiced sounds. The output section of the vocoder consists of a stereophonic synthesis filter bank which assembles the new synthetic speech from the characteristic filter envelopes from the analysis stage together with an external or internal replacement signal.

    What makes MATRIX different to the vocoders in the past ?

    • • Precise analog modelling 8-pole filters and extremely fast envelope followers for unprecedented resynthesis quality.
    • • New voiced/unvoiced detection and pitch extraction algorithms for high intelligibility.
    • • Stereophonic synthesis filter bank preserves the spatial characteristic of the replacement signal.
    • • Easy to use interface.
    • • Latency free operation.


    MATRIX 2: Two Vocoders in one !
    Inspired by the legendary VSM 201 Vocoder from Sennheiser we’ve spent MATRIX an additional Filter module modelling the analog Sound of the VSM.
    But to make it even better we’ve extended the filter range by adding two additional filters for the high end and MATRIX got two Filterbanks for stereo operation.

    MATRIX 2 also comes with a redesigned user interface, some additional presets and we’ve spent an internal noise generator for whisper effects.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/RNEv
    VirSyn Matrix v2.1.0 VST RTAS x86 x64-ASSiGN


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