  • VescoFx Cross Delay v1.0 VST x86 WiN WORKiNG-R2R

    Cross Delay v1.0 VST WiN

    Team R2R | MERRY XMAS | 1.56 MB

    Cross Delay allows you to create advanced stereo delay images in your mixes all in a single plugin. Say goodbye to configuring multiple plugins in parallel with complex routing schemes. The controls to allow echo output to be directed between channels is at the unique heart of this VST plugin. Each echo can be sent to the opposite channel from the source signal (echo of the left channel is heard on the right) or subsequent echoes can ping pong between channels. A modulation section allows tweaking the delayed sound with a dynamic combination of depth and speed all on a single control with realistically usable settings through its entire range. Throw in the independent output controls and an adaptive damping and what you end up with a VST delay plugin able to deliver lively and exciting delays for all your mixing needs from home studio to pro studio.


    • 64-bit internal processing resolution.
    • Lots of built in presets to get your mix jumpstarted.
    • Full automation support of all controls for VST compliant hosts (additional extensions for REAPER).
    • Sample accurate, zero-latency algorithm.
    • Delays can be routed to the opposite channel or ping pong between channels.
    • Single knob, adaptive modulation brings life to the delayed signal.
    • Single knob, adaptive damping gives the delayed signal extra depth.
    • Delays can be biased to either side for a wider image.
    • Turns mono tracks into stereo.
    • Output can be summed to mono for chorus style effects or to check mono compatibility.
    • Eliminates complex routing required to create stereo delay effects
    • Works with both mono and stereo input.
    • Works with 64-bit and 32-bit audio hosts running on 32-bit Windows OS.


    Before the big wave, Santa brought you some nice retro toys. Some are never released before, some are fixed or optimized for latest Windows OS, some are strongly protected. Since you have much faster computer than 20 years ago, try running those legacy under higher sampling rate (96kHz or above) and rediscover your hidden gems (if plugin supports that rate), the difference is like night and day. We tested our release under latest build of Windows 10 x64. Some legacy use depricated function from old VSTSDK. If you can’t get working correctly in your hosts, try wrapper or bridge like PatchWork, MetaPlugin, jBridge etc. MetaPlugin also have oversampling option to run those legacy in higher sampling rate.

    WORKING : Previous release by ASSiGN is not cracked correctly.

    VescoFx Cross Delay v1.0 VST x86 WiN WORKiNG-R2R


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