  • Tonal Balance Control 2 v2.9.0 WiN-R2R

    Tonal Balance Control 2 WiN

    Team R2R | 26 November 2024 | 15.7MB


    Tonal Balance Control 2 The plugin allows you to make level adjustments to your tracks while checking your tonal balance in real-time. Finalize and fine-tune your master using target curves for different genres. Use Tonal Balance Control 2 in your mix session and adjust gain and EQ for Nectar, Neutron, other compatible iZotope plug-ins (available separately) Tonal Balance Control 2 is available from Plugin Boutique for $199 USD. It is also included in Ozone 9 Advanced and Neutron 3 Advanced. The latest version (2.2) comes with improved fluid metering and improved UI scaling for easier EQing.

    Changes in Tonal Balance Control v2:
    – Implemented fluid metering in main tonal balance metering view (both coarse and fine modes).
    – Options menu has received a visual update for parity with other titles.
    – Now compatible with iZotope Product Portal.
    – Updated color scheme.
    – Fixed a bug where the metering averaging window would be set to “Realtime” upon clicking the “Reset” button in Options rather than the expected default value of 10 seconds.
    – Adjusted frequency axis scaling of vertical gridlines shown in connected remote EQs to align with tonal balance region gridlines.
    – Adjusted amplitude axis scaling of connected Ozone EQs to be at parity with one another and improve remote control of an Ozone EQ node amplitude over IPC.
    – Now also includes updated Relay 1.0.4b, which now installs alongside Tonal Balance Control 2.

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    Tonal Balance Control 2 v2.9.0 WiN-R2R
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