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✅ TCL-2 v1.5 WiN-R2R

February 14th, 2019 ⚡
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    TCL-2 v1.5 WiN

    Team R2R | Feb 14 2019 | 33 MB


    The TCL-2 delivers the stellar, transparent sonics of the beloved Twincom in plugin form. The original hardware Twincom features “Twin Topology” technology, which gives users the ability to select either a full tube, or full J-FET/solid-state signal path. Both the complete tube and solid-state signal paths have been faithfully modeled in the plugin version. In addition, the plugin version provides the ability to process Mid (M) and Side (S) information separately, as well as a Dry / Wet signal control for each individual channel. The plugin version of the TCL-2 captures the tone of both of these circuit paths, bringing the sound to the DAW-based producer/engineer. From the transformer-less signal path, to the lower, tighter gain and threshold structure, to its unique single amplifier design, every aspect of the original hardware has been faithfully emulated in the plugin version.

    HAPPY VALENTiNE’S DAY!!!: http://mage.si/CVt4
    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/DfjR
    TCL-2 v1.5 WiN-R2R



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