• Magesy

    T-RackS Custom Shop v4.8 MAC

    PlatenseSoul | 7.11.2015 | 247.29 MB


    World-class mixing and mastering plug-ins — on demand
    Close your eyes and picture a store full of cool processing gear: compressors and limiters are in a rack over here, EQs are over there – tube, solid state, digital – you name it, this store’s got it all. There are reverbs, de-essers, multiband processors, and a shelf full of vintage emulations. In short, a candy store of tone for recording musicians, engineers, and producers. Just a gear geek’s fantasy? Nope, this store is very real, and it’s available to you 24/7. It’s the new T-RackS Custom Shop, where you can browse a huge collection of IK’s high-quality processing plug-ins for mixing and mastering, and purchase only the ones you want, when you want them. And the best part is, you can get started without spending a dime by downloading T-RackS Custom Shop.

    Available T-RackS processors: the gearaholic’s closet
    We’re constantly adding gear to the T-RackS Custom Shop offering. To find out more about the individual processors available in T-RackS Custom Shop, click on the processor images below.

    Our newest addition is the Stealth Limiter, ultra-transparent mastering inter-sample peak limiter.


    The Stealth Limiter is an ultra-transparent mastering peak limiter. It’s a versatile sonic ninja of a mixing and mastering tool that features an advanced inter-sample peak limiting algorithm that lets you turn up the loudness of your mixes while still maintaining a clean a sound that’s full of dynamic range and sonic breathing room. T-RackS Stealth Limiter is your new go-to mastering peak limiter when you want impressive loudness without the damaging side effects of traditional processors.

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/b31
    T-RackS Custom Shop v4.8 STANDALONE AU VST RTAS AAX 32-64 MAC


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