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    Steinberg VST Connect SE v2.0.1 WIN OSX

    FREE | WIN/OSX | WIN: 11.5 MB | OSX: 25.6 MB

    Steinberg VST Connect SE (included in Cubase 7.5) allow musicians to connect directly to each other, giving you the freedom to collaborate and produce together, even when you’re not in the same studio, town or country. Talkback and chat functions as well as video and audio stream in real time give you limitless possibilities. Collaborate with other musicians even if they don’t own Cubase, thanks to the VST Connect Performer, which is available as a free download.

    Video preview

    Collaborate with your partners around the globe Peer-to-peer solution with sample accurate sync Video feed, talkback and chat functions

    Before you begin
    Please note that VST Connect requires a solid internet connection on both ends; a minimum of 256 kBit/s upstream is required as well as a reasonable local connection. For instance, tethering via a smartphone across 2 WiFi (WLAN) hot-spots in between is not likely to work, a solid Ethernet cable connected directly to your router or modem is highly recommended on both sides.


    • For optimum performance, please close all internet applications (e.g. your web browser).
    • Setting up VST Connect Performer
    • VST Connect Performer is used on the side of the musician/vocalist who will be recorded.
    • Install and start the VST Connect Performer application. Do not start Cubase or other audio applications.
    • Type an arbitrary name in the Your Name field, and the Key number you get from the Engineer (via phone, mail etc) in the Key field.
    • Click the Connect button. That’s it! You should then immediately be connected to the Engineer, that is, see his webcam picture and hear his voice.

    INFO: http://redi.se/d8w
    Steinberg VST Connect SE v2.0.1 WIN OSX



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