Slam XL v1.1.0 WiN MAC
Team R2R | May 02 2019 | WiN: 28.4 MB | OSX: 75 MB
SLAM XL is that “perfect” channel and bus fattener, that can instantly bring your beats, keyboards, live instruments, vocals or percussion to life, without the need of chains of plugins or very complicated plugins, which take more time and are difficult to use. The easy and appealing interface of Slam XL gives you instant control over equalization, saturation, compression, limiting and stereo expansion right out of the box from one plugin, so you don’t have to reach out for other plugins or break your creative flow. SLAM XL is that “perfect” channel and bus fattener, that can instantly bring your beats, keyboards, live instruments, vocals or percussion to life, without the need of chains of plugins or very complicated plugins, which take more time and are difficult to use.
Slam XL v1.1.0 WiN MAC-R2R Post:
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