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  • Sekai 80 Compressor v1.0.0.8 VST2 x86 x64 WiN

    Sekai 80 Compressor v1.0.0.8 WiN

    HY2ROG3N | 22.11.2016 | 22.28 MB

    Sekai 80 is a knee-less compressor that is designed to deliver a smooth response even with fast attacks and high ratios. It balances smoothness and transparency by calculating the most fluid transition possible. It has a unique Magesy Smoothing Control that lets you achieve a more even response with extreme magesy ratios. It’s a powerful tool that’s a nice addition to your plugin rack.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/95Te
    Sekai 80 Compressor v1.0.0.8 WiN-HY2ROG3N


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