  • RSPhaseShifter WiN-R2R

    RSPhaseShifter v2.3.0 WiN

    Team R2R | 11 June 2024 | 28.8MB


    Analog Soul, Digital Heart

    Creating a very high fidelity, phase shifted version of the input, RSPhaseShifter provides a fast, convenient and musical means of aligning individual mix elements for best subjective result. RSPhaseShifter is great for any situation where you need to creatively control tonality, power spectrum and harmonic content through phase manipulation. Post–production, stem mastering, outboard gear compensation, film re–recording, “live” production, sound reinforcement, along with content creation for gaming and VR all benefit from having RSPhaseShifter on hand. Old Skool Values RSPhaseShifter was created in conjunction with Roger Schult/German Audio Lab, and is a painstaking, 64 bit digital realization of Schult’s trusted Phase Shifter W2324 analog hardware. When multiple sources compete rather than complement, RSPhaseShifter should be your choice for a fast, intuitive, easy to use and effective remedy.

    Simple Yet Versatile
    RSPhaseShifter: a mixer’s secret weapon, both live and in the studio…Whether it’s mix sessions with multiple tracks of one instrument, or alignment of spots and overheads, RSPhaseShifter makes quick work of cancellation issues, bringing back the richness and impact you cannot get from basic delay compensation. Match and optimize the time delay or phase response of a subwoofer in a 2.1, 5.1 or n.n monitoring environment, or create thick, ultra–wide sounds and phase sweeps by deliberately manipulating phase of one side of a stereo track.

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    RSPhaseShifter v2.3.0 WiN-R2R
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