  • Nusofting Morphing Delay V2.1 Vst X86 Win Paradox Magesy

    Morphing Delay v2.1 WiN

    PARADOX | 8 April 2004 | 247 kB

    Morphing Delay v2.1 has been succesfully tested in Cubase, Nuendo, Orion Pro, FL Studio, Chainer and Acid Pro and it should work in any other VST Host. This is not your every day delay effect, it’s a special FX tool for space-time warping grooves with a very warm sound, it also includes a unique morphing auto pan effect and a saturation control.Morphing Delay is powerfull but very easy too use. It’s tailored especially for the musician, by giving you great sounding results with a few specially chosen controls. You have two stages for the delay line parameters: the first stage is called “On input”, the second is called “After input”.

    When some sound comes to the input the delay fx is activated with settings at stage “On input”, as soon as the input sound decays, an exponential envelope gradually morphs all parameters to the “After input” state. You can adjust both the sensivity of the envelope trigger to the incoming audio input and the time that the envelope takes to do the morphing. Ducking delays can be emulated by a subset of the Morphing Delay features, but it really can do much more than that.

    #WHAT’S NEW?#
    * Fixed a Cubase issues in v2.1: noise with some presets
    * Comb Filter: when “Filter” knob in “On input” controls is turned hard left to match the “comb” label, a comb filter is added to the feedback path of the delay line. Simply use it to add more resonance to the echo, similar to a flanger effect.
    * Delay time now dinamically updates as the tempo changes in your song, keeping the sync automatically with different BPM (when “Sync div BPM” is on)
    * Enhanced saturation, “dirty” range.
    * A Bank of 23 example presets loads with the plugin.

    (please note that the presets may sound VERY different, depending on audio source. e.g. drums, voice, bass, etc…

    – Sens, input sensivity to adjust when and amount of the incoming audio would control the envelope.
    – Time, morphing envelope time, from very fast to long slowly evolving effects.

    “On input” controls, the start values for the morphing process:
    – Delay Time 1, in ms or Tempo division (Sync Switch)
    – Feedback amount, regeneration of delay
    – LP Filter frequency, warm filter in the feedback path (with Vs 2 it can add a comb filter as well, see below for the new features)
    – Wet, effect level, mainly used at “On input” stage to decrease the delay effect until the audio input is over. That’s the common usage of ducking delays, to let the effect be heard mostly after the direct signal for a better mix clarity.

    “After input” controls, the target values for the morphing process:
    – Delay Time 2, deviation from “On input” state , -100%..+100%, Random Deviation at each new input (RND Switch)
    – Feedback amount
    – LP Filter frequency
    – Wet, effect level

    – Mix, from full Dry to full Wet
    – Pan, auto pan amount, this effect is morphed by the envelope as well, the ping-pong effect is synced with the delay time so that while the delay time changes the auto pan follows it. The morphing auto pan can also be used alone without the delay effect using the “Pan pre Mix” Switch, when that switch is turned on the stereo input is merged to mono and with the Mix slider hard left you can adjust just the the start and end rates of the ping-pong with the Delay time controls. This way you can achieve nice accelerating or decelerating auto pan effects.

    NUSofting Morphing Delay v2.1 VST x86 WiN-PARADOX
    ♪ Download ♪


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