Mastering Compressor v1.2.0.0 MAC
Team RET | 19 January 2024 | 4.0 MB
The Sonoris Mastering Compressor is a wideband mastering compressor in VST, VST3, AU, and AAX format for Windows and Mac. It is an ultra clean compressor suitable for delicate material.
- Ultra clean wideband mastering compressor
- Ratio ranging from 1:1 to infinity for compression and limiting
- Attack ranging from 0 msec to 1 sec
- Selectable auto-attack
- Release ranging from 1 msec to 5 sec
- Selectable auto-release ranging from 0.5 sec. to 5 sec. program dependent
- Threshold ranging from -60 dBfs to 0 dBfs
- Very flexible knee setting from hard to soft in 100 steps
- A second knee that enables the compressor to adjust the ratio back to 1:1 above the threshold, also adjustable in 100 steps from hard to soft knee
- Feedback and feedforward detector types
- Selectable high-pass, band-pass and low-pass sidechain filters
- Variable: sidechain linking is adjustable from fully linked to fully split
- Highest Link: sidechains linked with the highest value of the left and right channel
- MS Split: sidechain signals split with the mid and side channels
- Make up gain ranging from -18 dB to +18 dB
- 2x, 4x, 8x or auto upsampling for even less artifacts
- Selectable gentle even harmonic distortion on the output
- Parallel compression fader
- A/B comparison
- Large graphical display with dragable handles for maximum control
- Scalable user interface
- Gain transfer plot
- High resolution gain reduction meter
- High resolution level meter with resettable peak indicator
- Full automation possible
- Mousewheel support
- Settings can be saved and loaded
Mastering Compressor v1.2.0.0 macOS-RET
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