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    H3D Binaural Spatializer VST v1.0.0 WiN

    Team ST3RE0 | 25/02/2011 | 8.87 MB

    3D audio spatialization for all!. LogoH3DThe H3D plugin allows you to 3D mix audio tracks from your digital audio software (Cubase, Nuendo, Live…) and to obtain incredible spatialization effects. Sounds then seem to come from every possible direction, using standard audio headphones. Especially aimed at musicians or podcast producers, H3D inserts in major PC audio workstations (Cubase, Live, Pyramix, Nuendo, Reaper…) and displays all audio sources in a simple, visual 3D interface that is easy to manipulate.

    * H3D_3dView3D object-audio mixing – use the 3D interface to place and easily animate sounds
    * Longcat Audio H3D technology – when listening on headphones, H3D allows panning sound in 3D all around the listener’s head.
    * Unique HRTF processing – H3D uses Longcat own processed HRTF filters in order to achieve the best spatialization effects.
    * H3D Presence – independently adjust H3D’s immersion effect using the Presence parameter.
    * Automation – fully automate parameters and 3D animation of audio tracks.
    * No tedious settings – Just insert H3D plugins and start moving sounds in 3D!

    Longcat H3D Binaural Spatializer VST v1.0.0 WiN-ST3RE0


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