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    Kresearch Kr Space VST v1.51 AU UB VST WiN MAC

    TEAM´S Peace Out & DYNAMiCS | 2009 | WiN: 8.30 MB | MAC: 7.7 MB

    Modular Reverb/Echo Based MultiFX

    KR-Space is a modular multi-effect plug-in which can produce a multitude of different types of effects, from traditional echoes and reverbs, to very complex soundscapes, modulation and filtering effects, resonating echoes and reflections, saturation effects and other types of unusual effects. To achieve this wide range of effect creation KR-Space uses a proprietary design and a flexible modular architecture where the different available modules can be switched on and off or routed in various combinations allowing more flexibility in effect design. The modular architecture also allows more efficient CPU utilization since only the modules that are switched on contribute to the CPU overhead. KR-Space introduces the Animated Object Space Emulator (AOSE) where the user has control over a number of spherical objects which are placed in the virtual environment and affect the sound output in a multitude of ways. These objects have various user controlled characteristics like size, resonance, oscillation frequency, reflection characteristics, etc. and can be animated (moved) in the virtual environment affecting the sound output. Additionally, the main reverberation engine features separate damping controls for early and late reflections allowing more detail filtering control, thus expanding the total range of available effects. It also introduces KResearch’s Asymmetric Reflection Scheme for more realistic reverb and echoes creation.

    Animated Object Space Emulator (AOSE) Module

    • * Proprietary Design/DSP engine for unique effect creation.
    • * Object Frequency and Frequency Variation controls.
    • * Object Size and Size Variation controls.
    • * Object Resonance and Resonance Variation controls.
    • * Object Size LFO Oscillation with amplitude controls.
    • * Object Distance positioning with Variation controls.
    • * Object Animation speed and traveling distance controls.
    • * Object inter-reflection feedback control.
    • * Room reflections control.
    • * Reflection Asymmetry control.
    • * Low Pass Filter (LPF).
    • * Limiter/Saturator with threshold control.
    • * Output Level control.
    • * Output Dry/Wet mix control.

    Space (Reverberation) Module

    • * Switch-able Pre-Delay sub-module with Delay time and stereo Balance controls.
    • * Switch-able Early Reflections sub-module with room Size, stereo Balance, Diffusion, Asymmetry and independent Damping adjustable filter controls.
    • * Switch-able Late Reflections sub-module with room Size, stereo Balance, Diffusion, Asymmetry, independent Damping adjustable filters, Decay.

    Modulation Frequency and Amplitude controls

    • * Master Equalizer (Low / High) +/-12db controls.
    • * Early / Late Reflections Mix control.
    • * Dry / Wet mix control.
    • * Output Level control.

    Changes in KR-Space v1.5.1

    • New Installer and plugin changes which support installation on Vista and Vista 64bit.
    • Bug fixes regarding an error caused in some hosts when closing KR-Space.
    • Changes to the serial number and authorization applications.

    Kresearch Kr Space VST v1.51 AU UB VST WiN MAC-Peace Out & DYNAMiCS


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