GRM Tools Evolution v3.8.0 WiN
Team R2R | 11 Jan 2021 | 15.4MB
The three new GRM Tools from the Evolution bundle let you enter in a new world of sound design and novel harmonic treatments: vocoder and evolutionary morphing, shifts filters, timbral glissandi, noising, etc. GRM Tools Evolution is perhaps the most original and unexpected piece of audio software we’ve encountered in the past decade ! In short, it is a set of innovative sound transformation plug-ins that might just change the way sound designers, engineers, composers or musicians will process audio in the future…
Evolution is used to obtain continuous evolution of timbre by frequential sampling of the input signal. The timbre of the input signal is sampled at more or less regular intervals. The output signal is obtained by interpolation between the sampled timbres.Fusion
Fusion modifies a sound by playing on delays, filters offset and frequential sliding. The input signal is represented by a sonogram which moves from right to left. 8 player heads of variable size and orientation can be placed on the sonogram.Grinder
Grinder is used to degrade a sound by freezing its frequential or time changes, and by modifying its spectral resolution. It also enables incredible vocoder effects.Features:
– Elastic String: allows you to achieve smooth movements of controlers.
– Interpolation and gradual transition from one preset to another
– Agitation feature: Adds random variations to the processing parameters.
– Window resizing: The plug-in window can be resized by clicking and dragging
– Standalone application
– MIDI control for all parameters
– Multi-channel output for FusionFusion does not have AAX x64 format.
GRM Tools Evolution v3.8.0 WiN-R2R
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