✅ GAV19T v1.5 WiN-R2R

February 13th, 2019 ⚡
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    GAV19T v1.5 WiN

    Team R2R | 14 Feb 2019 | 37.8 MB


    Classic Tube Amp Tone

    The Chandler GAV19T was inspired by classic British amps like Selmer, Vox and Marshall but with new added features that make it incredibly flexible. From the bias control that affects only the preamp tube bias, to the drive section that provides a treble boost, a full range boost and two flavors of mid boost for just the power amp section, to the Baxandall style tone controls, this amp’s palette runs from clean to crunchy to shred-worthy chaos.

    – Faithful emulation of a great sounding amp inspired by classic British tone monsters
    – Sounds and feels like playing through a real amp when played with low-latency monitoring
    – World-Class guitar sound right on your desktop via faithful re-creation of a boutique tube amp
    – 75 impulse responses with multiple speaker cabinets recorded in a state of the art room with stellar gear
    – Recording DI guitars, then editing and processing them in the DAW completely, using the internal amp simulation, the recording chains and the FX Rack.
    – Recording hardware preamps through the power amp simulation and Recording Chains.
    – Bias control emulates hotter or colder preamp tubes for different flavors of distortion
    – Drive features four modes: Treble Boost, Full Range, Aggressive and Mids with a boost amount to dial in just the amount of the selected frequency range desired.
    – Tone controls feature Baxandall style curves, which allow huge changes in frequency without changing the tone of the amp
    – Play live by plugging directly into the PA and/or monitoring system
    – Re-Amp less than perfect DI guitar tracks, previously recorded with other guitar-amp simulations.

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    HAPPY VALENTiNE’S DAY!!!: http://mage.si/CVt4
    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/Atw8
    GAV19T v1.5 WiN-R2R


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