✅ EQ3 v3.5.3 WiN-BUBBiX

June 26th, 2024 ⚡
  • EQ3 v3.5.3 WiN-BUBBiX-MaGeSY

    EQ3 v3.5.3 WiN

    BUBBiX | 26 June 2024 | 99 MB

    ..: AAX, VST2, VST3, x86, x64 :…

    In the ’80s it was the first to use a different approach to tonal adjustments. In conventional analog equalizers, whether they are shelving, sweepable, graphic or parametric types, various sections of the audio spectra are boosted or attenuated by adding or subtracting bandpasses. In this case, frequency shaping is achieved by summing bandpasses. Our emulation of this method is quite similar to the original and improved with additional possibilities of digital technology. Now you can hear it for yourself. There are five broad, overlapping, interacting bands: 10 (Sub), 40, 160, 650 and 2.5 кHz, along with the «rock (airy) band» control, which is an HF boost-only control. When using the EQ3, remember that the bands are broad, approximately 2 octaves. They overlap one another. For example: when boosting the 10 kHz «rock band» to a +6 position on the knob, to keep the response flat through in 2.5 kHz region you should rotate the 2.5 kHz coarse knob to about a -1 position. The amount you back off the 2.5 kHz control should, of course, be set by ear. Following this kind of procedure will accomplish a more airy sound, with much more clarity.

    You can accomplish the same thing for the low frequency response by applying the same principles. The EQ3 will reach further into your mix than you’ve ever heard before with minimal phase distortion.
    As a result, you may need to take a little time and «play around» with the controls on the EQ3 before you can make intuitive adjustments. The EQ3 extends the features of the original hardware and joins the flexibility of the digital world to the character of the analog processing. The EQ3 plugin designed from the ground up for fast, efficient work on mid/side, stereo and the objects, the beds (fixed channels) of immersive mixing environments.

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    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/54QJb
    EQ3 v3.5.3 WiN-BUBBiX
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