  • Devil-Loc Deluxe v1.0.9 AU VST AAX RTAS MAC OSX-OPENSSH

    Devil-Loc Deluxe v1.0.9 MAC

    OPENSSH | 29.05.2015 | 80.24 MB

    A crushing, pounding, aggressive compressor for massive drums

    The evil analog level destroyers are here. Devil-Loc and Devil-Loc Deluxe are a twist inspired by the classic Shure Level-Loc mic limiter. These plug-ins add huge sucking compression, grit, dirt, distortion, and take drums (but try it anywhere) to a wonderful hellish nightmare. It’s not for the faint of heart.

    The Devil-Loc
    Essentially a distorting compressor but so much more, it’s really quite simple but also a bit supernatural. Because the release time of the compression is affected by the input level (like the Level-Loc) it’s a bit hard to predict exactly what will happen the first time you work with it. Luckily, with just two knobs, you can find the magic spot for your track fairly quickly and you’ll be going for that sound more and more. Don’t be fooled by its simple front panel, this plug-in has a lot more cool sounds than you’d expect out of two knobs. Get crushing kick drums, to almost rhythmic level sweeps with the crazing sucking compression, to blitzed out blasting beat loops. Drive it hard and you get straight hardware sounding break-up and drive. It’s a devil in disguise, and the devil’s in the details, and the devil made us do it and all those other devil references.

    Devil-Loc Deluxe
    To take things beyond the hardware that inspired it and give you even more creative flexibility, we’ve created a second plug-in, Devil-Loc Deluxe. The Deluxe version adds a “Darkness” control for tone, switchable slow or fast release times and the ability to mix the original back in right on the front panel. The addition of these controls opens up the sonic palette immensely. Dark thundering drums, to driven lo-fi loops, and more, and the mix control saves all that tedious routing and lets you automate mix to keep the Devil from taking over the soul of your tracks. This time, evil is good. But it isn’t free.

    WARNING!!!: Before doing anything, make sure you do a backup of your lib
    – Replace original lib at /usr/lib/ with provided lib for your OS

    Devil-Loc Deluxe v1.0.9 AU VST AAX RTAS MAC OSX-OPENSSH


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