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    Cooltec EQP1 v1.3.609.0 VST WiN-R2R

    TEAM R2R | 2014.04.19 | 855.82 MB

    The Cooltec EQP-1 Program Equalizer Plug-In Suite (7 single plug-ins) is created to provide you with a rare piece of American Music History. This is a world-class, world-famous, original “Cooltec” designed as the very first in the “EQP” line, using the original transformers and vacuum tubes. It uses vacuum tubes to provide the proper gain staging and an inductor for the amazing input frequency processing.

    Key Features
    The Cooltec EQP-1 Program Equalizer Plug-In Suite is the result of more than 220 Hours of research, testing, recording, editing, creation of graphics, design, and beta testing. The result is the world’s most accurate digital representation of one of the most defining and rare vintage equalizers in the history of recording.

    The highest quality cables, monitoring, and D/A-A/D converters were used to translate the sonic qualities of this priceless device into the Acqua software technology. Every volume change, gain change, frequency change is tested and edited and compared to the original device. The result is a virtually indistinguishable digital replication of this landmark recording device.

    The Cooltec EQP-1 is recorded at 96kHz and can be accurately translated to any frequency desired through a mastering-grade rate conversion. The thinking behind this process is to provide the full quality of the analog behavior, which means placing all emphasis on quality over cpu resources. The process is extremely efficient and optimized to be used on current computer technology with a forward thinking to the future of more powerful systems, but this will be a more cpu-intensive device than your typical software. Consider the value in having even one instance of the original EQP-1 in your hardware rack and choose to see the true value in having the best sound that technology has to offer.

    Cooltec EQP1 v1.3.609.0 VST WiN-R2R



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