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  • 1178 v1.5.0 AAX VST VST3 x64 WiN-R2R

    1178 v1.5.0 WiN

    TEAM R2R | 25 October 2024 | 51 MB


    Pulsar 1178 is an audio plug-in (VST/VST3/AU/AAX) that meticulously recreates the original 1178 hardware compressor in its tonal color and compression character, while adding several additional features, turning it into a very versatile compressor for tracking and mixing. A compressor that eats transients for breakfast, the 1178 is a rare and expensive legend of the recording studio, cleaner and more versatile than its older brother, the 1176. 1178 further than the original unit, adding all the features you would expect from a modern, versatile plug-in, including a full sidechain EQ for added control, an optional saturation stage for warmth and character, and precise metering.

    But Pulsar 1178 also provices several other features:
    – Mid/Side Processing.
    – Look-ahead and look behind options.

    External sidechaining.
    – Presets from world-class sound engineers.
    – Smart and resizable graphic interface.
    – Up to 8X oversampling.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/EXxK
    1178 v1.5.0 AAX VST VST3 x64 WiN-R2R
    ♪ Download ♪


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